Frequently Asked Questions
Bet you're not the first one to ask.
Before your shoot
During your shoot
After your shoot
Do we have to be at the shoot? Can we be?
You don't need to be at the shoot, but you are certainly welcome. We have some clients who like to be hands-on during the photography. But the large majority would rather forego the time and travel and trust us to produce the necessary images for their needs. We are comfortable working either way.
How long will the photography take. Any thoughts?
It depends on what we are photographing. Usually, interiors take more time than exteriors, and exteriors at twilight take more time than during daytime. One huge benefit of digital photography is that less time is needed on location (however, more time is needed in post-processing back in the studio). This allows a quicker in-and-out time for sensitive projects such as restaurants or retail stores which may only allow a small window of opportunity for the photography. Based on the info you provide, we can give you a time estimate for your shoot.
Our project may not be ready or even worthy. Can you preview it for us during your trip and shoot it only if so?
Yes, we can be your eyes on the project and give you our unvarnished opinion on its readiness and/or worthiness for photography. We will charge you a small consultation fee to do so.
We just got the okay for our shoot, but you're already on your trip. Can we still squeeze it in?
It's always worth contacting us. Often, we hold some time for a last-minute request or two. What we won't do is "squeeze you in", however. Before confirming our availability, we'll always make certain that we have enough time and resources to shoot for you fully, as if you were our only client for the trip.
We've found additional projects in the same area we'd like you to photograph - can you accommodate us?
Quite possibly. See previous question.
We have multiple projects but only want a few photographed. Can you visit them and shoot only the best candidates?
With advance notice, we can preview your projects and shoot the best candidates on the same trip. If you contact us just before the trip, we may or may not be able to do so, so more notice is better. We will charge a consultation fee for the projects previewed and our photography fee for projects shot.
How can we alleviate any of building management's concerns that the photography might be disruptive?
Let them know that we are sensitive to their operations and will do all in our power to be as unobtrusive as possible. Often, management is surprised that the photography occurred more quickly and efficiently than they expected. We understand we are representing your company on a shoot - often involving one of your more important clients - and we'll work to make their experience pleasant, even pleasurable.
How do you deal with weather related issues?
In two ways. First, we're often in various locations at their optimum times of the year. Low rainfall, sunny skies, and green vegetation are the three main components we look at. Next, since we are in an area for multiple days, we are often able to concentrate on interiors during less-than-ideal weather and shoot exteriors when favorable conditions resume. We've become quite scientific about it actually, to the point that weather related issues are almost a non-factor.
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