Frequently Asked Questions

Bet you're not the first one to ask.
Before your shoot
During your shoot
After your shoot
What do we end up with when our photography shoot is complete?
We typically will shoot more images than the estimate calls for, and will e-mail you the "proofs" from which you can select your favorites. We will then forward the high resolution digital files of your selections to you. These should be appropriate for the large majority of your marketing needs, and you can print from them as well. If you would like us to make prints for you, or you require digital files at specific resolutions or sizes, we can accommodate your needs.
How soon after your trip will we be able to see the images?
Give us a week after your photo shoot to post-process your images and deliver them to you. If you have a more immediate deadline, we can usually fulfill it - just let us know.
We need the photos FAST. What can you do for us?
While it would be nice to never need to say or hear "we need it yesterday", sometimes it is unavoidable. For these cases, we can upload the photographs to an FTP site for immediate download after the shoot. Can't get much quicker than that when you need it!
Our shoot is complete, and now another company on the project wants to utilize some of the photos. What do we do?
Simply have them contact us to license any images for their needs. This is a common situation. Here's a tip. Consider contacting other companies involved in a project BEFORE your next shoot to gauge their interest in participating in the photography. This is a great way to save money, as we're able to decrease our per-client pricing when additional firms join in on the shoot.
Your schedule works well with our ongoing needs. Can we craft an agreement that will provide even greater benefit?
Yes. If you have a fairly consistent need for photography of your projects (e.g. 6 or more per year), we will work with you to create an agreement which will streamline the process in having your projects shot. This has many benefits. Chief among them-we become a dedicated partner in coordinating your shoots with our travel schedule, we help you to avoid procrastination and missed windows of opportunity, and we help save you money as one of our preferred clients.
Can we only use the photography for certain purposes, or for a limited time?
For the large majority of our clients, we license usage of the images for most marketing needs with no time restrictions at all. The feedback we have received from our licensing structure is that it is very user friendly, fair, and a great value. We know the last thing you want to do is track licensing expirations or worry about complex usage restrictions, so we've created a usage structure that removes these potential headaches for you.
Help! We lost our photographs. Can we get a new set?
Sure. We hold originals of every image we've shot for our clients since starting our business in 1994. Your images are safe, so if something happens on your end just contact us and we can provide a replacement set.
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