Frequently Asked Questions
Bet you're not the first one to ask.
Before your shoot
During your shoot
After your shoot
No travel expenses? How does that work?
We have clients that send us to shoot various project locations in North America throughout the year, so we simply extend our trip to accommodate your photography needs in the area as well. The keys - informing you of our travel schedule in advance (so make sure you're on it!) and hearing back from you in a timely manner. It's a simple concept, but one we've honed over many years to the great satisfaction of our clients.
What information do we need to give you prior to setting up a photo shoot?
While no two projects are the same, for any shoot we need at a minimum three pieces of information: project name/address, spaces/subjects to photograph, and the number of images desired. Once you contact us with a potential shoot, we will forward you a project information request which will list the specifics needed to be able to provide an estimate for your photography.
How soon in advance do we need to schedule photography?
The sooner the better, as it is more probable that we can reserve and guarantee your time. Typically, at least one month prior to the shoot works best, but we have had clients contact us within the week and have been able to accommodate them. Not always though, so give us as much notice as you can.
Other companies involved in the project are interested in joining the shoot. Can we benefit from bringing them in?
Absolutely. It makes great sense to contact other entities involved in the project when hiring photography. This builds up efficiencies which can even help save you money. Keep in mind, however, that one firm may have unique image needs (e.g. a tile manufacturer requiring flooring-dominant shots), so not all photos can necessarily be utilized by everyone. We work diligently to make sure each participant has the specific images they require while giving a financial break for any images used by multiple firms.
Our project location is a couple hours drive from the city where you're photographing. Can you shoot it on your trip?
Often times we can... with enough notice. While you would not be responsible for our travel expenses to our main photography location you would incur the (usually minimal) expenses for your side trip. Definitely give as much advance notice as you can, so we can arrange our schedule to accommodate your needs.
Our project isn't near your upcoming shoot location and we have a deadline. Can you help us?
Sure. Keep in mind that we travel to our various shoot locations because a client is sending us there. If it works with your schedule to "piggyback" on top of them, great. But if your need is for a specific location at a specific time, then you would be responsible for our travel expenses (the traditional method of working with a photographer).
We have lots of projects, but are having a hard time choosing the best ones to photograph. Any advice?
Yes, two pieces of advice actually. First, utilize your people in the field to take scouting shots of various projects and send them to you. Secondly, using these pics as a reference, sort your projects into three groups - A, B, and C. Have your A group professionally photographed, and maybe have a few professional shots taken of your B group as well. Leave the C group for in-house record shots or forget about photographing it altogether. This is a great two-step method of identifying your best work and photographing it effectively.
Our past photography has frankly been neither consistent nor good. How can your photography schedule help?
By getting rid of your number one enemy - procrastination. If you have identified a good project candidate for photos (see previous question) and you see that we will be at or near its location during a specific week, then you have made it halfway towards your goal of having better images representing your company. Repeat the process with future locations on our travel schedule and you have now met your goal. How easy is that?
I'm the marketing person for my firm and am overwhelmed with tasks! Can you make my job easier?
We can, and it's probably the most pleasant surprise our new clients find in working with us. Here's just one example... if you forward us the basic info on an upcoming project, we will:
- contact you prior to our photo shoot in the area for scheduling
- let you know of any additional project info we'll need before shooting
- work directly with any on-site contacts to coordinate the photography
- be your eyes at the project to help determine the most photo-worthy aspects
- provide print and/or web ready images quickly after the shoot for your use
Many of our clients feel the savings in time and energy equals or exceeds the monetary savings in travel for them!
- contact you prior to our photo shoot in the area for scheduling
- let you know of any additional project info we'll need before shooting
- work directly with any on-site contacts to coordinate the photography
- be your eyes at the project to help determine the most photo-worthy aspects
- provide print and/or web ready images quickly after the shoot for your use
Many of our clients feel the savings in time and energy equals or exceeds the monetary savings in travel for them!
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